Paul Anders Schwamm
Paul Anders Schwamm,
Internet brand development and promotion.
Paul Anders Schwamm, who has started @Asia, an Internet marketing
company, believes that professional marketing methods are necessary
in order to exploit the full power of the Internet for e-commerce.
Unlike any of the other companies here, @Asia is not offering
an easily-defined single product or service as such. Instead,
a number of valuable domain names (using Japanese words and .com
and .net addresses) have been registered, and Schwamm and his
team are busy building up a portfolio of Internet brands. Having
been involved in the marketing of non-prescription pharmaceuticals
and a wide range of other consumer products, Schwamm is well
aware of the need for customer satisfaction in Japan. Accordingly,
he proposes a refreshingly novel approach for a high-tech company:
he will only announce products when they are ready for the consumer.
The first such product is SuperMail, which is an integrated
system for calendar, mail, and general scheduling and communication
purposes. This is, naturally, available in both English and Japanese,
as well as Chinese and Korean, with additional languages planned
for the near future. Schwamm's feeling about Japan is that it is
the fastest-growing Internet market in the world, and hence offers
the biggest opportunities for a new business.